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The Newest Funko Pop Collection Includes Face Hugs – Check Out the Alien: Covenant Line Just Announced

The latest additions to the ever growing Funko Pop collection has finally been revealed to fans everywhere. This time, these adorable little figures are taking on a more sinister franchise, as Funko has revealed that Alien Covenant will be getting their own collection of figures. Posted on their blog site, the creators of these wildly successful dolls have unveiled which characters from the movie are getting the Pop treatment. Check out the pictures below to see these dolls coming to stores soon:

With five new Funko Pop dolls coming out in the near future, collectors of these little dolls should prepare to make a few stops to pick them up. While the first three figures (David, Daniels and the Xenomorph) will be available at all stores, it looks like Oram and the bloodied Xenomorph will only be exclusive at certain retailers. While many will be excited to grab David with his cute little hat, or Daniels with her badass gun, it’s important to remember that no Alien collection is complete without the iconic face-hugger (poor Oram). According to Funko, Oram will only be available for purchase at Hot Topic, while the Bloody Xenomorph will be found at Gamestop.

Of course, it is definitely worth it to make a few stops to pick up the whole collection, especially for fans of the franchise. For now, Funko hasn’t announced when exactly these dolls will hit shelves in June, so make sure to check back with DFTG to keep up to date on when the company will be releasing these figures to customers everywhere.

For more news on Funko Pop collections, check out the articles below to keep up to date on these bobble-headed cuties:

Thoughts on the latest Funk Pop collection announcement? How many fans of the Alien franchise will be picking these dolls up for themselves? Make sure to join in on the discussion in the comments below, and don’t forget to follow DFTG on Twitter for live gaming and entertainment updates 24/7. As always … game on, friends!


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