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Fan Creates Real Life Cortana Hologram from Halo (VIDEO)

Cortana Holograph

We live in an age where science fiction is becoming reality. Digital assistants are becoming quite popular ever since Apple’s Siri made her way to iPhones and iPads. Other companies have created digital assistants for their own platforms such as Amazon’s Alexa. Microsoft took a different approach and used the already established companion from the popular Halo franchise, Cortana. Now, a fan of the series has created a holographic platform for Cortana, bringing her to life in the best kind of way.

Jarem Archer has taken the time to build and create the holographic interface for Cortana using the  small Windows 10 device with only 4 GB of RAM. The device has a camera that tracks the user’s face so that Cortana is always facing in the proper direction. She is capable of answering user inquiries as well as playing Spotify playlists and controlling smart home applications. Archer’s device is a home built prototype that Microsoft should really take a look at. Check it out below:

Jarem Archer implemented the Pepper’s Ghost technique, which takes advantage of the power of mirrors to display a three dimensional object. In this particular case, Archer used the method to bring Cortana to life, so to speak. The Windows 10 device he used is paired with Arduino-run light displays, which allows her to exist in the 3D realm. The device was 3D printed by Jarem, and contains an omni-directional microphone and a crystal clear speaker system. Constructed into a futuristic sci-fi looking pyramid, this setup is nothing short of incredible.

Archer used his wife as a model for Cortana’s movements using a pair of Xbox One’s Kinect cameras to capture her from different angles simultaneously. A Unity 3D application was used to project Cortana into the device from three different camera angles. The separate camera angles converge in the area within the pyramid, giving the illusion of a three dimensional object in the center of the device. A secondary application was used that sends and receives data from the Cortana services, which the Unity 3D app then deciphers and allows Cortana to present the information back to the user.

This belongs in the home of every hardcore Halo fan, as well as the homes of every sci-fi enthusiast and technophile. Keep an eye on Archer’s YouTube channel, as he may provide more videos as he updates more uses into his Cortana build.

What do you think of the Cortana hologram? If this were available for purchase on the market, would you buy one? Let us know in the comments section below. Never miss out the latest and hottest news in gaming and entertainment by following DFTG on Twitter.


Jon McAnally376 Posts

Hailing from the armpit of California, this most radical of nerds loves video games, comics, and collectibles (not dolls). Prepare to feast your eyes on the magical wonder that is his editorials.


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