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DFTG Reviews Injustice 2 (PC) – “An Outstanding Port Worth The Wait”

Injustice 2

Now that the PC port for NetherRealm Studios’ Injustice 2 has finally arrived, it’s time for computer gamers to join in on the fun that PlayStation 4 and Xbox One players have been experiencing since May of this year. When it was announced that the PC rendition wouldn’t be available alongside the console versions at launch, fans were a bit disappointed. This was to be expected, of course, as NetherRealm hasn’t had the best of luck in the past when it comes to computer ports. With the lackluster response to Mortal Kombat X for PC now in the past, Injustice 2 is proving to be an outstanding port worth the wait.

The title has taken virtually everything about the first installment and made it better. The story picks right up from where Gods Among Us left off, with a plethora of DC’s finest heroes going toe-to-toe with some of the universe’s biggest threats… themselves. Devastation looms as Brainiac arrives to take back what he believes to be rightfully his – Superman. Given the way things ended in the first game, Batman doesn’t exactly trust the Man of Steel, who is now a prisoner of the Caped Crusader. Chaos ensues as players then fight their way through the story, which blends its cinematics with gameplay so well, one might often forget they are actually playing a game.

Speaking of which, the visuals are exceptional. Playing on an AMD FX-9370 4.4 GHz, GTX 1070, and 16GB of RAM, the game performed flawlessly on “Very High” settings at 1080p. Gameplay locks in at a pleasing 60 FPS, typical for titles in the genre. This certainly helps the fighting mechanics, which Injustice 2 has achieved with grace. Battles are fluid as fighters string together massive combos to deal extensive damage. Each character contains an arsenal of moves specific to them, including the thrilling specials that take players out of the equation once initiated. Performance really comes through in spades here as the transitions are utterly seamless between play and cutscenes.

Online multiplayer brings another layer of immersion to Injustice 2, and it performs admirably. Getting paired up with another player took a few minutes, but once the match was set, it was nothing but smooth sailing. No dips in performance were noticeable while facing others online, even matching the pace of the single-player experience. It seems that the team at NetherRealm was able to learn from their last PC port of a fighting game, and provide players with gameplay equating to that of sharing the same screen, system, and even snacks with the enemy combatant.

That being said, it is neither the story or the online multiplayer where Injustice 2 truly shines. It is the impressive amount of content that the game has to offer that makes it rise above most. Depending on difficulty and skill, the story can range anywhere from 5 to 10 hours. Multiplayer can last as long as any given player wishes, but it’s the new Multiverse that will allow one to sink countless hours into, fighting their way towards glorious loot. With a gear system not unlike that of Destiny 2‘s, Injustice 2 gives players a reason to keep coming back for more – helmets, guns, arms, legs, abilities, shaders, and more.

The Multiverse is a single-player game mode that presents new challenges on a regular basis. It is here that gamers can do the most damage to their social lives, fighting ladder after ladder of combatants and earning gear in the process. Each piece earned has the chance of boosting the stats of the character it is for. Thankfully, these enhancements carry over to most other game modes. In fact, it is during ranked matches that these boosts are turned off, making the wonderfully shiny gear simply cosmetic items to strike fear in opponents.

The sheer amount of gear that is available for each character is insane. With varying degrees of loot to be had, it will take quite a bit of time before a player completely maxes out a fighter. However, as can be seen in the gallery above, all of these customization options allow players to make their favorite hero or villain unique to their own style. Source Crystals, the in-game currency earned through playing and selling gear, can also be used to purchase the items. Real-world money can be spent on obtaining more Source Crystals, but with the boosts being turned off in ranked matches, this helps keep things fair and doesn’t allow anyone to get an advantage by paying to win.

As for characters, Injustice 2‘s roster is brimming with talented fighters. With everyone from members of the Justice League to the likes of Swamp Thing, Hellboy, and the recently-announced Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, it’s hard to imagine not being able to find the perfect character to fight with. Luckily, tutorials are available for each fighter, but they merely brush against the surface of what each combatant is capable of. Chip away at it and you’ll be stringing together multi-hit combos in no time.

Injustice 2 is currently available on Steam for $49.99, as well as PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. An Ultimate Edition is also up for grabs at $79.99, and it includes all of the downloadable Fighter Packs, 2 shaders that can be used across multiple characters, and three Premiere skins.

Bottom Line →

So, was Injustice 2 worth the six months of waiting to arrive on PC? Without a doubt. While the story is unnecessarily dark and gritty at times, it still feels more solid than the DCEU’s offerings on the big screen, all while keeping the focus on each fight and a player’s progression. Combine that with the fact that one could spend their entire Winter hibernation playing and leveling up their favorite fighter without having to step one foot inside the online multiplayer arena, and this game is truly one for the ages. NetherRealm and Warner Bros. Games really knocked it out of the park with Injustice 2, which is why I couldn’t possibly recommend it enough if fighting games are your thing.


Eric Garrett2269 Posts

Eric is an editor and writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. When he is not staring at a computer screen filled with text, he is usually staring at a computer screen filled with controllable animations. Today's youth call this gaming. He also likes to shoot things. With a camera, of course.


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