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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Comic To Give Series Closure, Says Joss Whedon

For all those who fondly remember the days of Buffy the Vampire Slayer airing on TV and a follow-up spin-off series titled Angel, there’s great news ahead – the show returns with a reboot. Though the comeback will bring a new slayer to the forefront of the long-standing franchise instead if the iconic Sarah Michelle Geller, series creator Joss Whedon has other ambitions and hopes.

As Fox takes over the televised return of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, that means Dark Horse will lose their creative license for the illustrated iteration. As it is in life, all goods things must eventually come to an end. While discussing the live-action Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog sequel, Whedon opens up about aspirations to collaborate with the comics publisher. “In the meantime, we want to do something more with Dark Horse right now,” Whedon told CBR. “Especially because Fox is taking the Buffy license and the Firefly license back. And Dark Horse has shepherded these licenses for decades now.”

In other words, Whedon wants to bring some closure to Buffy Summers’ adventures, her relationships, and turmoil. The show highlighted her years as a young adult, while those who read the comics watched as she flourished into adulthood. Now it’s time her time and thankfully, that doesn’t mean everyone dies. Phew. Knowing how Whedon and company operate, there may be some surprises in store.

Similar to the show, we’re not going to close it all off in the sense of “Everybody’s dead!” Though we did think about doing that. But when I sat with Chris Gage, it was with the intent that after everything we’ve been through we wanted to have something to say that mirrors and rounds off where we started this comic [run]. And then they said, ‘You have four issues,’ and it was like ‘Ohhhh. That’s all the time we have.'”

As the finale of the comic series comes to an end, fans will be happy to know that they’ll do her justice. She’ll come to understand herself and witness “where she is now.” However, where does that leave Fray, the post-apocalyptic expansion of Buffy the Vampire Slayer set in the future? Well, there’s no word on that quite yet; at least not legally.

I don’t know what’s going to happen with [Fray], actually. I mean, legally. I heard about all of this after the fact. It’s like Disney taking Star Wars over to Marvel. All the sudden we realize this is happening. So I’m writing this from a position that will leave everybody in a position where you feel some closure, but it’s definitely not, ‘Oh, I now I wont’ ever want to read about them again.'”

As one door closes, another one opens for Buffy. The TV series receives a reboot with Whedon as the showrunner, but the comics will eventually come to an end. What do you think about Whedon bringing back Buffy the Vampire Slayer with an all-new slayer in tow? What do you think about the politics behind the licensing of the franchise and its halt as a serial comic? Let us know what you think in the comments section below or start a conversation on DFTG Facebook page. To stay up to date on gaming news as it happens, follow us on Twitter! Here’s some of our latest:

Hoi Duong2131 Posts

Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.


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