Your Vagina is the Controller with this Video Game by Perifit (VIDEO)

Worried about your vaginal health? Or are you simply looking for a fun way to do kegels? Look no further than Perifit – the game that makes use of your vagina as a controller, instead of your thumbs. A company based in Paris, France is developing and creating Perifit – a game and fitness application for your phone. It’s paired with a rather suggestive device, one that looks a lot like a lady toy. However, that tool is used to maintain and improve the health and strength of your pelvic floor. Not only that, the company boasts an improvement on bladder control, core strength, and even to your sex life. They’re currently crowdfunding their endeavor via Indiegogo. Check out their introductory trailer below!
So far, Perifit has raised over 150,000 dollars with 1185 backers. That means they have received over 1,500% more funds than the initial request of ten thousand dollars. Prospective buyers can still access an Early Bird 2017, that includes the Perifit device and iOS and Android application for 99 USD. For twenty dollars more, their “Gold Early Bird”, includes several other items:
- Velvet Protection Sleeve
- Medical Lube Gel
- Antiseptic Cleaning Gel
- Perifit
- iOS and Anroid App
Perifit is still in its development stages, but they estimate a debut in April of this year. Even though the prices are steep, the anticipated a retail price will be 150 dollars or more. It entirely depends on the type of package you purchase. The developers also plan on creating more games for the app, says their Marketing “Magician” – Cyril Haoudi. According to their crowdfunding website on Indiegogo, the app and Perifit device are easy to use. There are step-by-step guides, mini-games, and progress trackers. As gimmicky as it seems, they project stresses the overall health of the pelvic floor muscles, stating:
Strong pelvic floor muscles are a vital part of a healthy body. In particular, they are crucial in the following contexts: pregnancy, bladder control, musculoskeletal stability, and pleasure.
What are you thoughts on Perifit? Will you be backing it as well? Feel free to let us know in the comments section below – we would love to hear from you!
Hoi Duong2131 Posts
Hoi is an elusive figure at DFTG, whose favorite past-times include chillin' in the Fade, reading manga, watching anime, collecting novelty items, and gaming.