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Huge Red Dead Redemption 2 Map Spoiler Unveiled

Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 is only a few weeks away and fans of the original can’t wait to return to Rockstar’s beautiful recreation of the Old West. Fans are chomping at the bit for any kind of new information that Rockstar can provide, but we may have some info that the developer didn’t want to get out quite yet. (Warning: Spoilers ahead)

A Dutch gaming site called got a chance to play six hours of the game and seemed to have revealed a little too much about Red Dead Redemption 2’s landmass. We knew that RDR2 would be the biggest game Rockstar has ever created but weren’t sure if there were any familiar locations in the game. Here is what the article on insidegamer originally said:

Q: “Are Armadillo and New Austin in the game?”

“Yup! After asking Rockstar they told me the entire map of Red Dead Redemption is also in the game, but that of course there are many more areas added. In the six hours I played I only got to see a small part of Blackwater, and even that was already gigantic. Six hours was not enough to see any of the other familiar places.”

The article was picked up pretty quickly by fan sites and Rockstar PR reached out to the site since this info most likely violated their NDA. The article text reads very differently now and omits the detail that every locale from the first game will be here on top of even more areas added.

If this information is accurate, Red Dead Redemption 2 is going to be an absolutely massive game with a whole lot to explore. Are you polishing up those saddles and washing those britches in anticipation for the upcoming title? Be sure to follow us on Twitter for any other Red Dead news as it comes and check out these other fantastic stories from Don’t Feed the Gamers:


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