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Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Now Backward Compatible on Xbox One (VIDEO)

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Now Backwards Compatible on Xbox One (VIDEO)

The Xbox backward compatible library keeps growing with fantastic Xbox Original and 360 games added on a regular basis. Now, Xbox players can experience two of the chapters from one of the most memorable series of all time, Metal Gear Solid. Recently announced via Twitter, Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, a 2011 remastered collection of Metal Gear Solid 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, and Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, is now available for download and purchase on Xbox One.

The franchise is mostly known for being a Sony-exclusive series, though some games have come to Xbox like MGS2, Metal Gear Rising Revengeance, and Metal Gear Solid V. Additionally, Peace Walker was made backwards compatible on the Xbox One earlier this year.  The console has yet to see the first Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid 4, the latter of which may not come due to the game relying on the SIXAXIS tech in PS3. Both games also have VO that directly references the PlayStation controller so some reworking would have to be done to bring it to Xbox, but never say never! You can check out a comparison of how the games run on Xbox One in this comparison video from Digital Foundry:

As you can see the Xbox One hardware really helps to make the little things stand out more! Shadows have crisp, defined textures and the fps boost is very noticeable in those cutscenes. The game is locked at 720p resolution so it doesn’t take full advantage of the Xbox One X hardware, but still, this is easily the best way to experience one of the greatest series in gaming history. Plus, the collection is only $19.99, so what are you waiting for?

Are you excited to play MGS 2 and 3 on Xbox One? Check out our Twitter feed for more Metal Gear Solid news and be sure to read up on all the latest stories from around the games industry on Don’t Feed The Gamers:


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