FIFA 17 Glitches Inspire YouTube Creators to Make A Real Life Parody (VIDEO)

Anyone who is a fan of sports video games has probably tried their hand (or virtual foot) at playing FIFA one time or another. Regardless of the excellent realism, in regards to a real world soccer league, no game is without its faults. Some of the most entertaining faults of sports games in general are the amazingly hilarious glitches that occur. To be honest unless your watching a soccer game played my malfunctioning robots, this is some humor you’ll only get to see in a video game… or is it?

YouTube content creators and soccer technique enthusiasts Billy & Jezza from F2Freestylers have created a real life frame by frame recreation of the best glitches of FIFA 17. I’m not going to lie, this is some funny stuff right here.

In classic YouTube fashion, one can probably say that these guys probably put way too much time and effort into such a flawless recreation, but we’re very glad they did. Let us know what your favorite glitch is from this video or any other game you may have played. As always stay tuned to DFTG for any and all gaming news. Until next time good gaming, and we’re gonna go re-watch that video!

Luciano Cancilla106 Posts

Luciano has an undeniable passion for all things BioWare and has an enthusiastic perspective on the Gaming Industry. With a love for gaming, comics, and Geek Culture, you can always expect to have a good time nerding out.


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