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ESA Supports Controversial Tax Bill Causing Concern Among E3 Fans


The House of Representatives has recently proposed a new tax reform bill that will cut corporations’ taxes and it seems that the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) thinks it’s a great idea. Some game developers and fans have disagreed with their stance and have been trying to make their voices heard about their feelings on the subject.

The ESA organizes the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) every year and in a recent press release, showed their support of the new tax bill saying:

Igniting greater economic opportunity and innovation, today’s tax reform proposal promised to boost the U.S. tech sector. For the 2,600 US-based video game companies competing in the $100 billion worldwide video game market, a competitive, pro-growth tax system that encourages IP development and investment in U.S. jobs is imperative. We commend Majority Leader McConnell, Speaker Ryan, Chairman Hatch, Chairman Brady, Secretary Mnuchin and Director Cohn for their diligence in crafting this proposal and look forward to working with all policy makers as the effort to enact tax reform moves forward.”

For some others in the industry, ESA’s statement has left a bad taste in their mouths and they had a few things to say about it. Some say that this new tax bill will only help the top tier of the Electronic Software Association and not the actual designers and developers who are actually doing the work on these games. While gaming expert Jim Sterling simply said “Piss”, other gaming veterans like Sam Houston had a little more to say.

When Houston tweeted, “I get that you guys like tax cuts but this bill is filled with bullshit. There’s a better way to go about getting tax cuts for game devs.”, a Twitter user by the name Tactless Ogre replied, “There absolutely is; but not one they’re going to look for.” A lot of fans seem to agree that this tax bill will not be a good thing for the gaming industry and disagree with the ESA’s stance on the matter.


The Entertainment Software Association has already been getting a lot of negative feedback lately for this year’s E3. This was the first year that the company made the event open to the public and it led to severe overcrowding, which then made it extremely difficult for the press and other attendees to do their jobs and navigate the expo. While most likely making the ESA some more money, the move rubbed a lot of people the wrong way and some have talked about protesting next year’s event.

What is your stance on the new tax reform bill? Do you agree or disagree with the ESA’s statement? Let us know in the comments section below and then make sure to follow DFTG on Twitter to stay updated on all the latest gaming and entertainment news 24/7!

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