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EA Access Adding FIFA 17, Dragon Age Origins, Medal of Honor, and More to the Vault!

EA Access FIFA 17

Spring fever has hit the gaming market at last! Electronic Arts has announced that new games are being added to the EA Access vault this spring, just in time for gamers to settle indoors and pretend to enjoy the outdoors for a long summer of gaming ahead. Announced by the company, FIFA 17 will be added to both EA Access and Origin Access later this month. Alongside FIFA 17’s vault premier, Dragon Age Origins has also been selected to join its brethren on EA Access. Dragon Age Origins already made itself a home on Origin Access last year, alongside Dragon Age 2 and Dragon Age Inquisition. Dragon Age Inquisition is also available on EA Access now, leaving Dragon Age 2 as the only title of the three to make a PC-only vault debut.

Finally, the last title to make its way to the Xbox vault this spring is Medal of Honor: Airborne. The title currently has no set date of when it will premier on EA Access, though we do know the title will be premiering no later than June. Electronic Arts also announced that four titles will be added to Origin Access only this spring. These titles include Pony Island, Command and Conquer: The Ultimate Collection, Hacknet, and Orwell.


EA Access, which is available as an exclusive Xbox One service and Origin Access – the PC alternative to great gaming libraries – both run customers about $4.99 per month, or $30 for the year. That annual price comes with an ever-growing list of free titles, plus early access for games yet to come. For a complete listing of all the EA Access and Origin Access titles available right now, check out our compiled list right here and prepare your library with all the greatest games available!

Thoughts on the new additions to EA Access and Origin Access this spring? Are you excited for a chance to gain unlimited access to FIFA 17, Dragon Age Origins and other great titles? Make sure to join in on the discussion in the comments below or hop on over to the official Don’t Feed the Gamers Disqus! Also, don’t forget to follow DFTG’s Twitter for live gaming and entertainment news 24/7. As always … game on, friends!


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