Iron Maiden Files Lawsuit Against ‘Ion Maiden’ Game (VIDEO)

Early last year saw 3D Realms’ Ion Maiden hit early access, the title proudly sporting its Duke Nukem influences and providing a pretty solid experience for fans of throwback shooters. While plenty of players are enjoying the explosively nostalgic romp, it appears metal band Iron Maiden are none too impressed, having recently set their face-melting sights on 3D Realms with cries of trademark infringement.
Though the two’s names are obvious in their similarity, the band’s holding company Iron Maiden Holdings has gone the distance in a lawsuit against the developer, suggesting everything from the game’s sound-alike title, “steelcut” logo, and gun-toting protagonist are deliberately lifted straight from the storied rock group. According to Kotaku, the metal outfit has claimed “numerous instances of actual confusion with Iron Maiden fans believing that Defendants’ Ion Maiden products are related to Iron Maiden,” a few choice examples being:
- “…commenting that they were misled into believing that the Ion Maiden game was an Iron Maiden game.”
- “…clicking on an Ion Maiden online thread thinking that the thread was related to Iron Maiden.”
- “…reading an article about the Ion Maiden video game waiting for an explained connection to Iron Maiden.”
- “…wondering the whole time, while reading an article about the Ion Maiden video game, how they (Defendant) got the license to use the Ion Maiden name (from Iron Maiden).”
- “…expressing genuine excitement for an Iron Maiden video game.”
- “…and commenting that ‘all that’s missing is an … Iron Maiden soundtrack’ and that the Iron Maiden song ‘Can I Play with Madness’ would fit right in.”
For this bout of allegedly intentional “confusion,” Iron Maiden Holdings is looking to collect $2 million in damages and for 3D Realms to relinquish ownership of the game’s web URL As one might expect, the musicians’ harsh allegations were quick to gain a response from Ion Maiden developer 3D Realms, the studio rebuking these “frivolous claims” and assuring the game’s continued development in a four-part statement over social media.
… (2/4) Shelly Harrison, originally debuting in 2016’s Bombshell, is based on their musician Steve Harris; our skull bomb icon found in-game is based on their skeleton mascot Eddie; our logo in itself is based on theirs; and other frivolous claims anyone who has played…
— 3D Realms (@3DRealms) May 30, 2019
(4/4)… lawsuit and will make any necessary decisions at the appropriate time.
Regardless, everyone continues to work diligently on Ion Maiden to deliver the best possible experience later this year.
— 3D Realms (@3DRealms) May 30, 2019
Though 3D Realms’ Ion Maiden has always been premised as a prequel to 2016’s Bombshell, it appears Iron Maiden are entirely convinced otherwise, seeing it as nothing more than a cash-in on their well-established name. Despite seeming confidence from 3D Realms, one has to wonder which way this lawsuit might ultimately land, especially considering how notoriously protective Iron Maiden is regarding their IP. For example, a 2009 suit between the band and Naughty Dog co-founder Jason Rubin notably resulted in comic series ‘Iron and the Maiden’ being renamed to ‘The Iron Saint.’
Ion Maiden is currently out on Steam Early Access and set for a full release later in 2019.
What do you think? Does Iron Maiden have a case against 3D Realms, or is Ion Maiden completely unrelated to the metal band? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Don’t Feed the Gamers on Twitter and Facebook to be informed of the latest gaming and entertainment news 24 hours a day! For more headlines recently featured on DFTG, check out these next few news stories:
Eric Hall2712 Posts
Phone-browsing Wikipedia in one hand and clutching his trusty controller in the other, the legendary Eric Hall spreads his wealth of knowledge as a writer for Don't Feed the Gamers. Be sure to catch his biweekly "Throwback Thursday" segment for a nostalgic look at trivia from the past.