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Rime Makes a Comeback With New “Re-Release” Trailer (VIDEO)


It’s been three years since Tequila Works has given word on the release of their beautiful title, Rime, and we couldn’t be happier to finally see the culmination of their hard work. The surrealist action game, which caters to the feel of titles such as The Legend of Zelda and Ico, was first announced back at Gamescon in 2013, offering up a beautiful reveal trailer that excited the masses with its art style and puzzle-centric advancement system. Unfortunately, after the reveal trailer was shown, the publishers went silent on the game’s progress, before Sony Entertainment seemingly dropped its connection with the title. This disconnect was revealed in an interview with Polygon, signaling that the title would no longer be a PlayStation exclusive.


Luckily, for all of us, that didn’t mean the game would no longer be continuing production. After a long hiatus, Tequila Works has finally launched a re-release trailer for the game, and with it, we see that a lot of advancements have been made to the games graphics and play-ability. You can check out the trailer below and get reacquainted with this long lost title now!:

If its been awhile since you have read up about this game, Rime tells the story of a young boy trapped on a lonely island and looking for a way to escape the island’s dangerous beauty and a curse that has enveloped his now solitary world.  As of right now, the official website states the game is set for release early this year, though it doesn’t have an exactly date on its website. We do, however, know that while the game is no longer a PlayStation exclusive, it is now being released cross console, which includes Nintendo Switch, PC, Xbox One, and of course PlayStation 4.

So what do you think of this latest announcement on a beautiful title? Are you excited for a chance to play Rime for yourself? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, and game on!


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