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Gaming Heads Teases New Dragon Age Collectible Images – Varric Tethras, At Your Service

Hi. My name is Liana and I am a hopelessly in love with all things Dragon Age. If you’re like me, this next set of teasers from the amazing team at Gaming Heads will make your head explode faster than a Fade Rift. Gaming Heads is a company that sells superb quality collectible pieces from well-known franchises such as the Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Mass Effect, Crash Bandicoot, and yes – even Dragon Age (among many others). That’s only the tip of the ice berg for their fantastic lineup but what’s exciting for BioWare fans is the little teasers dropped by the powerhouse team recently.

“Varric Tethras: Rogue, Storyteller, and occasionally unwelcome tagalong,” first made his debut back in March 2011 in Dragon Age 2. The witty author and dashing rogue dwarf may not have the glorious beard those of his kin are known for, but more than makes up for it that dastardly chest hair that’s a gift straight from the Maker himself. Though no official announcement has been made, Gaming Heads has been dropping a series of teasers over the past several weeks regarding our favourite surface dwarf – check out the what’s they’ve shown off so far:

The up close and personal chest shot is conspicuously missing that glorious hair piece but these are prototype images prior to any painting or further sculpting. There hasn’t been any word yet on when this beloved Dragon Age character will be available for pre-order, more details are promised in the future and we here at DFTG have got you covered the minute those updates go live.

In case you missed it, one of their other other works in the Dragon Age line is a stunningly accurate and detailed Morrigan statue in her Orlesian gown seen in Dragon Age: Inquisition. You can see our full review right here to see her in all of her Witch of the Wilds glory.

Are you a collector? What you would you like to see from Gaming Heads in the future, Dragon Age or otherwise? Join in on the conversation in the comment section below and don’t forget to also check us out over on Twitter for gaming and entertainment news live 24/7!

Liana Ruppert578 Posts

With an arguably unhealthy obsession with Mass Effect, Liana has been an avid collector of gaming and comic memorabilia for well over two decades. With a passion for writing, gaming, and comics - she is currently working as Editor-in-Chief for the revival of Prima Games, with previous managing editor experience with several gaming publications including, The Hollywood Reporter, TwinGalaxies, and other outlets. She is also the Co-Owner and Managing Editor for DFTG. You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, as well as several Facebook communities online.


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